Unknown Blobs

The Unknown Blobs is a uniquely collection of 990 generated (includes 10 hand selected) NFTs minted on Algorand blockchain.

Created by primaltroll
"They are hundreds. Our familiars.
Join them on their journey to become a great wizard. They are a bit shy and sometimes a bit stupid but they're the most loyal companions you can find."

990 Unknown Blobs

They are many

In the collection are 990 Unknown Blobs. They were created with much love to detail and passion for pixelart. The special thing about the collection are the color trait thats effected all traits and the story traits. But more about that below :)

182 Traits

More traits more fun!

To get as much variety as possible in the collection there are 182 traits in total. One big focus was on the left / right hands and the head, here are the most and varied traits. It was also important that the traits could be easily distinguished from each other but more about that in the story traits section.

Color traits affects every other trait

Not all traits are equal.

An important note is that the trait: "color" influences all other traits. As an example: if you have the yellow color trait, e.g. the hands, body and feet are automatically gets the this yellow color. The collection has 182 traits x 10 colors makes 1820 different layer (traits) in preparation.

Story Traits

There are a few different story in the traits.

A key intention behind this collection is that the traits should be special and this is where the "story traits" come into play. In total, there are 10 stories that are told using different traits. Lets take the lightball as an example. First a small ball of light falls down. Then the blob catches it and plays around with it a bit. When he realizes that it has magic powers he tries to bundle the magic and create something bigger. Who knows if he will make it.

Unique - The final Story

Every story must be told to the end.

After you have already seen that there are many story traits. For each story there is also a matching ending. These are reflected in these Unique Blobs.

Unknown Searcher

Unknown Blobs "hidden-pre-event" (over)

This helper is trying to help the Blobs to find there new master. If you have enough luck your Unknown Searcher may find a Blob.

Mystical Items

What could these mystical objects be?

Reveal after launch and depends on the community votes... Work in progress...


Maybe some cooperations, new collection or somthing completely different? Who knows what the future will bring...